Mailing Address:
Goddess Fest
10673 W Lake Hazel #47
Boise, ID 83709
Event Location:
Expo Idaho – Rose Garden
5610 Glenwood, Boise, Idaho 83714
Goddess Fest is put on by Bards of Goddess Fest Church and many volunteers from all walks of life.
As ever many thanks to Crone’s Cupboard for all their support each year:
GoddessFest is a 501 (c) 3 organization.
Mission Statement
A community celebration of the sacredness, spirituality and diversity of both the feminine and the masculine.
Each year Goddess Fest is put on through the efforts of the Bards of Goddess Fest, and the support of Crone’s Cupboard. Goddess Fest and Bards of Goddess Fest are geared to bring an awareness and honoring of the sacred feminine and masculine.
Goddess Fest strives to offer a yearly event where diversity and the love of Spirit can be shared and celebrated in an open environment, where all are welcome.
Goddess Fest promotes the care of our Mother the Earth, and nurtures an atmosphere of acceptance, growth, positive awareness, love, and sharing, so it will flourish and continue to grow and live beyond this event. Goddess Fest offers the community at large all these things through opportunities to participate in workshops, dance, song, ritual, prayer, meditations and exercises in creativity; and by offering good food, music, & entertainment, and most importantly by sharing wisdom, love, peace and joy freely.
Each year Goddess Fest has grown, drawing individuals from all walks of life, all belief systems and far-away communities. We remind all peoples of their own inherent sacredness, and encourage them to share that gift with others.
All proceeds from our events are used to further the efforts of Bards of Goddess Fest. We currently offer Tuesday night services, psychic fairs, healing circles, women’s & men’s mysteries/empowerment circles, prison ministry, community sweat lodges and much more. This is a community of dedicated people who have a great love of “Spirit”, and realize the significance of what this event offers to the greater community as they organize and plan for Goddess Fest through-out the year.
We are grateful and blessed as the show of support for our event grows, allowing us to offer more and more back to our community!
~Blessed Be~