Goddess Fest continues to be the most prominent local venue for educating the public about alternative religions and making them aware of local groups–Churches, Circles, Covens, Groves, Meet-up Groups, etc. Goddess Fest 2016 marks the 22st year of Goddess Fest and we are going to further expand public awareness by continuing our “Show Your Pagan Pride Banner Wall” and inviting all local groups to fly a banner celebrating their particular tradition of alternative religion. This opportunity is being offered at no cost beyond the construction of the banner itself. There is absolutely no charge for flying a banner at Goddess Fest.
All banners must be 3’ wide by 5’ tall, with a two-inch casing across the entire length of the top. They must be made of fabric or light vinyl. These stipulations are necessary to ensure that all banners can be flown in the space and by the mechanics allotted for them. Beyond this, there are no requirements. Of course, to show your pagan pride, you will all want your banners to be beautiful. You’ve probably seen the banners on the Red Tent and the Green Tent, and these use countless techniques and designs. We encourage you to be creative.
All the banners must be appropriate for a public, family-friendly venue and Goddess Fest reserves the right to disqualify any banners deemed inappropriate for any reason.
Golden Thread Grove Church will fly a banner, but will not be entered into the contest.
We will ask five judges to choose the best banners and award prizes of:
$75 for 1st Place
$50 for 2nd Place
$25 for 3rd Place
A copy of the judges’ criteria is enclosed in the entry form, available for download at the bottom of this article.
Recommendations from lessons learned the hard way:
- Don’t use hot glue–it melts in the heat at Goddess Fest.
- Do use iron-on embellishments. Iron-on works well, especially if the edges are secured with puffy fabric paint.
- Do use iron-on transfers made in your inkjet printer, but again, secure the edges with stitching or puffy paint.
- Don’t use any edible embellishments–the squirrels will tear your banner apart.
- Do place heavier embellishments towards the bottom of the banner and lighter ones towards the top–the banner will hang better.
- Do use Silkscreens.
- Don’t fold your banners as this will crack the paint or permanently crease the iron-ons.
Do roll the banners for storage and transport. - Don’t use paper products on your banner as the morning dew at Goddess Fest will destroy it.
- Do feel welcome to incorporate this year’s theme “Emerge In Beauty” into your banner design.
The banners must be delivered to Crone’s Cupboard (712 N. Orchard St. in Boise, ID 83706) no later than July 15, 2016 and they must be accompanied by a completed banner form so we know who owns them and so that we can give contact information to anyone who inquires about them. They must be claimed no later than 5pm on July 24 at the event. Unclaimed banners will become the property of Goddess Fest.
For further info, please email us at goddessfestboise@gmail.com.
[button link=”http://www.goddessfest.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/GF2016_BannerContestForm.pdf” type=”big” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Banner Contest Form[/button]